半正定(posivive semidefinite)
一个对称矩阵$A\in R^{n\times n}$ 是半正定矩阵,其要满足: $$ x^T A x \geq 0 \ for \ all \ x $$
正定(positive definite)
一个对称矩阵$A\in R^{n\times n}$ 是正定矩阵,其要满足: $$ x^T A x > 0 \ for \ all \ x \neq 0 $$
所有的正定矩阵都是非奇异(nonsingular)的: $$ Ax = 0 \Rightarrow x^TAx=0 \Rightarrow x = 0 $$
所有的正定矩阵的对角元素都是正数: $$ A_{ii} = e_i^TAe_i > 0 $$
所有的半正定矩阵的对角元素都是非负数: $$ A_{ii} = e_i^TAe_i \geq 0 $$
Schur complement
A = \left[ \begin{array}{cc}
A_{11} & A^T_{2:n,1} \
A_{2:n,1} & A_{2:n,2:n}
\end{array} \right] $$
定义$A_{11}$的Schur complement为一个$(n-1)\times (n-1)$ 的矩阵: $$ S = A_{2:n,2:n} - \frac{1}{A_{11}}A_{2:n,1}A^T_{2:n,1} $$
- 如果$A$是正定,则$S$也是正定
Gram Matrix
定义: 矩阵$B$的Gram矩阵定义为: $$ A = B^TB $$
$$ x^TAx=x^TB^TBx=||Bx||^2 > 0 \ \forall x \neq 0 $$
Graph Laplacian
定义: 一个有向图的关联矩阵表示为:
定义: 半正定矩阵$A=BB^T$为Laplacian of the graph
- 如果$M$是一般的矩阵采用LU分解的方法将是最快且最好的选择。
- 如果矩阵$M$是对称且正定(比如Gram矩阵)的话,采用cholesky 分解将是最好的选择。
- 如果一定要求解矩阵的逆的话,gauss-Jordan消去发可能是最好的选择。
Cholesky factorization
所有的正定矩阵$A\in R^{n\times n}$都可以分解为: $$ A= R^TR $$ 其中$R$是一个上三角矩阵并且它的对角线元素都为正。我们称$R$为$A$的cholesky factor.
cholesky factorization分解算法 1
可以看出这是$n-1$维的cholesky factorization
cholesky factorization分解算法 2
假定矩阵$B$是一个$m\times n$的矩阵,矩阵$A$是一个Gram矩阵($A=B^TB$),可以使用QR分解 B=QR. $$ A=B^TB=R^TQ^TQR=R^TR $$
- QR分解的方法可以更加的稳定,因为计算过程中不用计算根号。
- 此方法的时间复杂度维$2mn^2$
- 用于求解方程$Ax=b$,其中A是正定的$n\times n$矩阵
- 分解$A$得到$A=R^TR$
- 求解$R^TRx=b$
- 先求$R^Ty=b$
- 再求$Rx=y$
矩阵逆定理(matrix inversion lemma)
$$ ( A-BD^{-1}C)^{-1} = A^{−1} + A^{−1} B ( D − C A^{-1} B )^{-1} C A^{−1} $$
- $(QQ^T + \sigma_n^2 I_n)^{-1} = \sigma_n^{-2} I_n - \sigma_n^{-2}Q(\sigma_n^2 I_q + Q^TQ)^{-1}Q^T$
向量 x 矩阵
假定我们有一个行向量$y \in R^c$由行向量$x \in R^d$ 和 矩阵$W \in R^{d \times c}$相乘而来。 $$ y = xW $$
- 我们来求关于$x$的导数,首先具体来看$y_3$关于$x_7$的导数,已知$y_3 = \sum_{j=1}^d x_j W_{j,3}$,可得$\frac{\partial y_3}{\partial x_7}=W_{7,3}$,所以可以得出导数为
$$ \frac{d y}{d x} = W $$
- 接下来,我们来求关于$W$的导数,首先具体来看$y_3$关于$W_{7,8}$的导数,已知$y_3 = x_1W_{1,3} + x_2W_{2,3} + \cdots + x_d W_{d,3}$,可得$\frac{\partial y_3}{\partial W_{7,8}}=0$,由此可得$y_3$只有对$W$中第三列求导时才非零其余都为零,即$\frac{\partial y_j}{\partial W_{i,j}}=x_i$。
由于向量y有一个变化的维度,W有两个变化的维度,所以求出的向量应该是一个三维的张量,表示为: $$ F_{i,j,k} = \frac{\partial y_i}{\partial W_{j,k}} $$ 但是只有当$i=k$时,求导结果才非零$F_{i,j,i} = x_j$,所以可以用一个二维的张量进行表示$G_{i,j} = F_{i,j,i}$
矩阵 x 矩阵
假定我们有矩阵 $w \in R^{a, b}, X \in R{b, c}$则$Y \in R{a, c}$: $$ Y = WX $$ 首先我们令$w_i$为矩阵W中的第i行,$y_i$为矩阵Y中的第i行,可知: $$ y_i = w_i X $$ 可得: $$ \frac{\partial y_i}{\partial w_i} = X $$ 且$y_i$关于$w_j(j \neq i)$时导数为全零的矩阵。
接下来,求解$y_i$ 对于$X$的导数:
首先具体分析$y_{i,j} = w_i x_j$可得 $$ \frac{\partial y_{i,j}}{x_j} = w_i^T $$ 其中$w_i^T$为列向量,且$y_{i,j}$对于$x_p (p \neq j)$的导数都为0的列向量。 所以可得$y_i$关于$X$的导数可以表示为: $$ \frac{\partial y_{i}}{X} = [w_i^T, \cdots , w_i^T] $$
设A是一个$n \times n$的矩阵, $\xi$是一个n维非零列向量,若存在一个数$\lambda$,使得 $$ A\xi = \lambda \xi $$ 则称$\lambda$是A的一个特征值,$\xi$为A的属于特征值$\lambda$的一个特征向量。
Hermitian matrix
Hermitian matrix: A square matrix such that aij is the complex conjugate of aji for all elements aij of the matrix i.e. a matrix in which corresponding elements with respect to the diagonal are conjugates of each other. The diagonal elements are always real numbers.
Householder Method
Householder's transformation[8] is aim to find a symmetric tridiagonal matrix T that is similar to a given symmetric matrix A (T and A have same eigenvalues).
Definition: Let $w \in R^n$ with $w^tw = 1$. Then the $n \times n$ matrix $$ P = I - 2ww^t $$ is called a Householder transformation(or Householder matrix).
**Theorem: ** If $P = I - 2ww^t$ is a householder's matrix, then P is symmetric and orthogonal. So $P^{-1} = P^t = P$.
Some basics about the Householder matix;
- $Pw = -w$. For any x orthogonal to $w (i.e., \ w^tx = 0)$, then $Px = x$. These imply that P has eigenvalues 1 and -1.
- For any two distinct vectors x and y in $R^n$ with same length, the Householder matrix $$ P = I - 2ww^t, $$ $$ w = (x - y)/||x-y||_2 $$ satisfies $$ Px = y. $$
The second property mean given any two vectors x and y, we can find a matrix satisfies $Px = y$. For any $x \in R^n$, let $y = (\pm ||x||_2, 0, \dots, 0)^t \in R_n$, then $||x||_2 = ||y||_2$. There is a Householder matix P such that $Px = y$. This is the key step of Householder method.
Eigensolver Method
The solution to the real or hermitian dense symmetric eigensolver problem usually takes place via three main steps
- Reduction of the matrix to tri-diagonal form, typically using Householder Reduction,
- Solution of the real symmetric tri-diagonal eigenproblem via one of the following methods:
- Bisection for the eigenvalues and inverse iteration for the eigenvectors [2],[3]
- QR algorithm [4],
- Divide & Conquer method (D&C) [5],
- Multiple Relatively Robust Representations (MRRR algorithm) [6],
- Back transformation to find the eigenvectors for the full problem from the eigenvectors of the tridiagonal problem.
The set of all eigenvalues is called the spectrum of A and denoted by $spec[A]$.
Transforming A to $A-\tau I$ is called shifting and $\tau \in R$ is called a shift. It is easily verified that $(\lambda, x)$ is an eigenpair of A if and only if $(\lambda - \tau, x)$ is an eigenpair of $A - \tau I$. Thus, the spectrum is shifted by $\tau$ and the eigenvectors are invariant.
Given a nonsingular $Q \in C^{n\time n}$, transforming A to $Q^{-1}AQ$ is called a similarity transformation ot a change of basis. In this case, $(\lambda, x)$ is an eigenpair of A if and only if $(\lambda, Q^{-1}x)$ is an eigenpair of $Q^{-1}AQ$. Thus, the spectrum is invariant under similarity transformations, while the eigenvectors change in a simple way.
- Vector Matrix and Tensor Derivatives
- The numerical computation of the characteristic values of a real symmetric matrix
- The calculation of specified eigenvectors by inverse iteration
- The QR transformation
- A parallel divide and conquer algorithm for the symmetric eigenvalue problem on distributed memory architectures
- A New O(n^2) Algorithm for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue/Eigenvector Problem
- MRRR-based Eigensolvers for Multi-core Processors and Supercomputers
- Householder's method